Satya Bharti Adarsh Sr. Sec. School, Fattubhilla (SMART ZEBRA CROSSING) |

Plaksha University hosted the Young Creators League 2024. The initiative involving high school students aimed at innovation challenge that brought together more than 1000 high school students to exhibit their innovative prototypes out of which innovative Top 50 ideas/school teams from 15 states shortlisted to present their prototypes at Palksha. In Top out of 50 teams 5 Teams were from Satya Bharti Schools and 7 Teams were from QSP schools, These talented young minds exhibited their prototypes, showcasing their solutions to real-world challenges aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). Out of Top 50 teams Top 5 teams selected at National Level for their Best Innovative porotype and Satya Bharti Adarsh Sr. Sec. School, Rauni & Fatthubhilla & grabbed positions in Top 5.
Students presented projects like braille printers, smart zebra crossings, Road Safety, protection suits for drainage cleaners, wearing equipment’s for people with special need, for waste segregation systems, and speech therapy systems. The teams that were chosen / showcased prototypes that intricately tackled a range of issues, such as those concerning the environment, energy and smart cities, and good health and wellbeing.